石麒麟 Stone Kylin
2017-07-26石麒麟 Stone Kylin
Time: They were built no later than 1725 and placed in front of Yuanmingyuan at first. In 1741, when constructing AnYou palace, they were moved to AnYou. In 1925, they were moved from Yuanmingyuan to Beijing University.
Location: west of Administrative Building
Category: Stone inscription
麒麟原位于圆明园里,是圆明园安佑宫前的守护神,圆明园的遗留文物之一。 圆明园被毁之后,所幸这对石麒麟没有遭到破坏。此后很久,石麒麟一直留在圆明园内。到清末时,被文物盗卖者从中盗出,准备高价出卖。当时的朗润园园主载涛知道后,便出高价买到这对石麒麟。以后载涛把朗润园卖给燕大作为新校址,石麒麟也归燕大所有。存放在朗润园多年以后,才放置在现在这个位置。
Distinguishing Feature
The Kylins are 174 centimeters in height, 141 centimeters in width in the obverse side and 195 centimeters in width in the side face, which has a 98-centimeter high Sumeru seat. They are carved delicately and of supernatural workmanship. But in fact, every stone Kylin base is jointed by two carved stones. The gap is 19 centimeters away from the upper surface, which is hard to be observed because of shrink.
They were placed in Yuanmingyuan at first and they were patron saints in front of AnYou Palace. They were moved here after the construction of Yenching University.
Cultural relic moral: Kylins are holy beast in Chinese traditional culture. They are incarnations of good fortune. Their images are combined with power and kindness, so they are often used for decoration in front of palace gates.